Legal notice


Société à responsabilité limitée au capital de 18750 euros
10 rue de Clignancourt 75018 PARIS
RCS 389 040 247 RCS NANTERRE
Intracom VAT no.: FR71400035812
Tél.: +33 (0)1 42 23 48 00 – Fax : +33 (0)1 42 23 40 20

The director of the publication is Mr. Nicolas Delecroix
E-mail address: website is hosted by the OVH company,
140 Quai du Sartel 59100 ROUBAIX
Telephone number: +33 (0)899 701 761 (the Website) is the exclusive property of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT). It was designed and created by D-EDGES and the HED SERVICES.

Any Internet user shall fully accept and comply with the following conditions of use.

The internet user already agrees to make the information contained on the Site solely for personal and non-commercial use. In the event that the Internet user does not comply with the stipulations of this Charter, their civil and/or criminal liability may be incurred.

1 – Content of the Site

It presents Internet users with the prices and services of the hotel. Online bookings can be made.

The presentation of the prices applied by OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) on the Site constitutes an offer to enter into a contract. It is also possible to contact OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) directly to obtain a customized sales proposal.

2 – Intellectual property

The Site constitutes a work, the author of which is OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) according to articles L111.1 et sequens of the French intellectual property code.

Remember that the photographs contained on the Site are considered to be works of the human mind that benefit from copyright protection. Any unauthorised use of one or other of the photographs constitutes an act of infringement as stipulated by article L335-3 of the French intellectual property code.

In general, the data, programmes, musical samples, texts, logos, visual identities, animated or non-animated images and their formatting appearing on the Site are the property of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) and are protected in this respect by the provisions of the of the French intellectual property code.

Any Internet user agrees not to use them and not to allow anyone else to use this content for illegal purposes.

Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on an electronic medium and/or paper, and by any procedure whatsoever (notably by means of framing*), of one or other of the elements of the Site or of the services proposed for sale, without the prior and explicit agreement of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) is prohibited, and constitutes an infringement, that may give rise to civil judgments and/or criminal sentences. Only printing on paper is authorised for the purpose of private copies for the exclusive use of the person making the copy in accordance with article L122-5 2 of the French intellectual property code.

No hypertext link to the Site can be installed without the prior and explicit agreement of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT).

*action of capturing the content of pages on a website to transfer them to one’s own website by means of a hypertext link, passing off the said content as one’s own.

3 – Protection of personal data

The Internet user may be required to leave some personal data when filling in the forms that are available to them. This data must be entered for OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) to process the Internet user’s request.

OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) agrees to comply with the provisions of the amended law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 in relation to data processing, files and freedoms and to take all the necessary precautions to preserve the safety of the nominative information entrusted. No personal information will be communicated to third party companies without the prior and informed consent of the Internet user.

The Internet user can, at any moment, exercise their right to access, rectify, delete or oppose the information that they supply during registration or subsequently, to OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) by writing to OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) 10 rue de Clignancourt 75018 PARIS or by e-mail to

4 – Cookies

OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) wishes to place a analytics cookie in the computer of the Internet user. A cookie is not used to identify the Internet user. It simply creates a random number that records the computer?s browsing information on the Site and the contracts subscribed by the Internet user. This information is kept for 13 months from the date of subscription.

We inform you that you can oppose the registration of “cookies” by configuring your browser.

Your browser’s help menu will show you how to set or change your cookie preferences:

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5 – Liability

OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) declines any liability with respect to any malfunctions that may occur on the Site and that may lead to a loss of data or unavailable access to the information produced on the latter.

The elements present on the Site may be changed without prior notice and are made available to Internet users, without any guarantee of any sort, whether explicit or tacit.

The presence of hypertext links in the Site – irrespective of the prior existence or not of the agreement of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) – does not create a joint and several liability between the latter and the owners of the other sites concerning the content of the sites to which the Internet user is directed.

OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT) cannot guarantee the exhaustive nature and truthfulness of the information contained on the Site. Likewise, it cannot guarantee the absence of any modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).

Moreover, the Internet user is solely responsible for the use that they make of the Site. Apart from the sole gross negligence of OMNIUM DE GESTION ( HOTEL – HEBERGEMENT), it can only be held liable for direct damage related to the use of the information produced on the Site.

6 – Applicable law and jurisdiction

All the information broadcast on the Site and the use that is made of it are subject exclusively to French law. Only courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris have the jurisdiction to determine any disputes related to the use of the Site.

Updated on February 2, 2021